2014 Esther Award Recipients
October 3, 2014
The seminary established The Esther Award in 2008 as part of its commitment to public theology. It is named after the Old Testament queen who saw herself placed in a position to help her people at a strategic time, as in Esther 4:14, “for such a time as this.” Like Esther, our Christian responsibility goes well beyond the pews of the church and the halls of the Seminary. The Esther Award acknowledges those whose belief and commitment to the Gospel enable them to rise fully to a Christian response in the face of public turmoil.
The ministries and services offered by The First Reformed Church of New Brunswick embody the spirit of the Esther Award. The congregation has just finished a remarkable journey in identifying and procuring $3.4 million to underwrite the construction of Dina’s Dwellings. This vision, which requires the congregation to dramatically transform its sanctuary, will serve as housing for battered women. In addition, the congregation has a long standing commitment to participate as a site for a homeless shelter two weeks each winter, provide lunch time concerts and as a site for a number of community programs. Through these services, and in so many other ways, First Church participates in the spirit of the Esther Award which is given to those who seek to share love in concrete ways “for such a time as this.”
The Esther Award includes two prizes: a commemorative gift to the recipient and the naming of an NBTS seminarian as the Esther Award Scholar for one year, recognizing her or his faith commitment and academic excellence. NBTS proudly names Jose Ebanks as the Esther Award Scholar for this year. Mr. Ebanks receives a full scholarship for one year.