Jaeseung Cha
Professor of Foundational and Constructive Theology
My hope and prayer is that God will be at the center of our beings and works, as we study, meditate, and discuss the mystery of God in Christ through the Spirit, complexity of human beings and their interactions in society, nature, and culture, and blessings and struggles of the church and tradition.
Teaching Experience
2012—present: Associate Professor, New Brunswick Theological Seminary
2008—2012: Associate Professor, PTS College and Advanced Studies in the Philippines
2005—2007: Adjunct Professor, Soongsil University
2007: Lecturer, Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology
2005: Lecturer, Anyang University
2002—2003: Lecturer, Talua Ministry Training Centre in Vanuatu
2019—present: Member of MFCA Certification Committee of Reformed Church in America
2016—present: Professor of General Synod of Reformed Church in America
2015—present: Editorial Member of “Reformed Theology” in Korea
2014—present: Editorial Member of “Evangelical Systematic Theology” of Association of Korean Evangelical Systematic Theology
2014—present: Editorial Member of “Church and Culture” of Korean Theological Journal
2013—present: Member of American Academy of Religion
2013—present: Member of Commission on Theology of General Synod of Reformed Church in America
2008—present: Pastor, Ordained by Reformed Church in America
2001—present: Member of International Reformed Theological Institute
Awards and Grants
2010: Researcher in Residence, Free University (3,000 Euro)
2003: Ph. D. scholarship, Free University (18,000 Euro)
2001 : Ph. D. candidate scholarship, Western Theological Seminary (US $20,000)
2000: The Baker Book House Award in Theology, Western Theological Seminary
1997: George Nathan Makely Award in Old Testament Language and Literature, Western Theological Seminary
Publications, Presentations, and Lectures
2020 Why am I still a Christian? Seoul: Saemulkyulplus, 2020
2014 Doctrine of the Atonement in Seven Theologians: The Cross as Such and the Cross Overflowing. Seoul: Saemulkyulplus, 2014, selected as a “Sejong Book of 2014” by the Department of Culture and Sports of Korea.
2013 The Mystery and Paradox of the Cross: Jesus’ Proclamation of the Crucifixion in his Five Statements. Seoul: Saemulkyulplus, 2013.
2005 The Cross As Such and The Cross Overflowing. Ph. D. dissertation, supervised by Dr. A. van de Beek.
2001 Luther’s Concept of Posteriora Dei and Its Relevance to His Thoughts on the Atonement. Th.M. thesis supervised by Dr. Leanne Van Dyk.
Book Chapters
2018 “Theatricality of Liturgy and its Relevance to Ethics: Rehearsal, Performance, and Hypocrisy.” In Liturgy and Ethics: New Contribution from Reformed Perspectives. Ed. Pieter Vos. Leiden: Brill, 2018.
2017 “Critical Issues in the Contemporary Theology of the Atonement: Substitution and Violence.” In Pneumatology and Doctrine of the Trinity: Festschrift of Simsan Young Bae Cha. Yongin: Kingdombooks, 2017.
2016 “Is Christ’s Humanity on the Cross Complete or Unique in Theodore of Mopsuestia.” In “Yes! Well . . .”: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future of the Church. Essay in Honor of John W. Coakley. Ed. James Hart Brumm. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016.
2014 “Is Christ Among Us?: Mystical Christology from the Perspective of Pseudo-Dionysius and Taoism.” In The Law of God: Exploring God and Civilization. Studies in Reformed Theology.Vol. 28. Leiden: Brill, 2014.
2013 “Calvin’s Concept of Penal Substitution: Acknowledgement and Challenge.” In Restoration through Redemption: John Calvin Revisited. Ed. Henk van den Belt. Leiden: Brill, 2013.
2013 “The Cross: Love Revealed by Death.” In How to Preach Love. Seoul: Duranno, 2013.
2012 “Taoistic Implications for Christology: Grand Unity, Datong (大同) and Valley-god, Gushen (谷神).” In Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth: Essay in Honor of Abraham van de Beek. Eds. Paul van Geest and Eduardus van der Borght. Leiden: Brill, 2012.
2005 “Is God Violent in the Concept of Sacrifice in Origen and in the Practice of Sacrifice in Vanuatu?” In Christian Faith and Violence, Dirk van Keulen and Martien E, Brinkman eds. Studies in Reformed Theology Vol. 11. Zoetermeer: Meinema, 2005.
Articles and Reviews
2015-present Monthly Christian Columns on “Christianity is Love” for the Religious Section of Joong-Ang Daily Newspaper, New York edition.
2019 “Person and Context: Interaction as a Theological Method.” Journal of Reformed Theology 12 (2019): 99-119.
2015 “Calvin’s Concept of the Church as mater fidelium (Mother of Believers), viewed through His Concept of Accommodation.” Journal of Reformed Theology 9/2 (2015): 182–201.
2013 “A Dialog between Patristic Christology and the Yin-Yang Perspective on the Relationship of Christ’s Nature with his Person.” Journal of Reformed Theology 7/3 (2013): 294-309.
2012 “Can the Yin-Yang Perspective of Taoism be a New Paradigm for the Concept of Will in Patristic Christology? Relationality and Tension.”Korean Journal of Christian Studies 84 (2012): 215-239.
2011 Sebastain C.H. Kim ed. Christian theology in Asia. Reviewed in Journal of Reformed Theology 5/2 (2011): 105-106.
2011 “Values and Limitations of Calvin’s Comprehensive Atonement Thought.” Faith and Scholarship (Korean) 47 (June 2011): 255-284.
2007 “The Relationship between Christ’s Incarnation and his Crucifixion in Irenaeus’ Concept of Recapitulation.” Journal of Christian Studies (Korean) 4 (December 2007): 129-151.
2007 “Human Autonomy before Christ’s Crucifixion: Peter Abailard, Immanuel Kant, and McLeod Campbell.” Journal of Christian Philosophy (Korean) 4 (June 2007): 99-135.
2006 “The Cross as Such and the Cross Overflowing: Christ’s Crucifixion beyond Beneficiary Results, Exemplary Representatives, and Substitutionary Exchanges.” International Journal of Christian Studies 1 (June 2006): 195-227.
2006 “The Cross as Such and the Cross Overflowing.” Journal of Systematic Theology (Korean) 7 (2006): 204-233.
1998 Chung Chai-Sik. Korea: The Encounter between the Gospel and New-Confucian Culture. Reviewed in The Reformed Review 52/1 (1998):67-68.
Presentations and Lectures
2020 “Eschatology,” lectured at Korean Presbyterian Church of Westchester.
2020 “Five Characteristics of Christianity,” lectured at Korean Presbyterian Church of Westchester.
2019 “Gospel and Freedom,” lectured at Koshin Seminary.
2019 “Passivity, Abuse, and Self-Sacrifice: Daoism and Feminist Christology,” presented at the 13thConference of International Reformed Theological Institutes, held in the Netherlands.
2017 “Person and Context: Interaction as a Theological Method,” presented at the 12th Conference of International Reformed Theological Institute, held in Hong Kong.
2016 “Theology of the Cross: Texts, Traditions, and Contexts,” lectured as an intensive course at Global Institute of Theology of Yonsei University in Korea.
2015 “Still Calvin’s Atonement Theology?” lectured at Reformed Church Center.
2015 “Theatricality of Liturgy and its Relevance to Ethics: Rehearsal, Performance, and Hypocrisy,” presented at the 11th Conference of International Reformed Theological Institute, held in New Brunswick, USA.
2015 “The Reformed Definition of the Church and Calvin’s Ecclesiology,” lectured at Anyang University.
2015 “The Reformed Definition of the Church and Calvin’s Ecclesiology,” lectured at Koshin Seminary.
2015 “Why still Christ’s Crucifixion?” lectured at Christian Research Center of Nehemiah.
2014 “Christ’s Nature and Person from Patristic, Reformed, and Taoistic Perspectives,” presented at the joint conference of Korean Society of Reformed Theology and Korean Society of Christian Philosophy.
2014 “Values and Limitations of Penal Substitutionary Perspective of the Christ’s Crucifixion,” lectured at Koshin Seminary.
2013 “Calvin’s Concept of the Church as mater fidelium, Viewed through his Concept of Accommodation,” presented at the 10th Conference of International Reformed Theological Institute, held in Sarospatak of Hungary.
2012 “The Concept of Christ’s Humanity in the Heidelberg Catechism: Reformed Christology revisited,” lectured at Reformed Church Center.
2011 “Can the Yin-Yang Perspective of Taoism be a New Paradigm for Patristic Christology? Continuity, Relationality, and Conflict,” presented as a keynote lecture at the 9th conference of International Reformed Theological Institute, held in 2011 in Potchestroom of South Africa.
2009 “Calvin’s Concept of Penal Substitution: Acknowledgement and Challenge” presented at the 8th conference of International Reformed Theological Institute in 2009.
2003 “Is God Violent in the Concept of Sacrifice in Origen and in the Practice of Sacrifice in Vanuatu?” Presented at the 5th conference of International Reformed Theological Institute in 2003.