Micah L. McCreary

John Henry Livingston Professor of Theology
(732) 247-5241
A native of Detroit, Michigan, Rev. Dr. Micah L. McCreary began his term as the 12th president of New Brunswick Theological Seminary in 2017. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the University of Michigan; a Master of Divinity from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University; and a Master of Science and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University. He has received several fellowships, including the American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship, the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia Fellowship, and the American Council on Education Presidential Fellowship.
Prior to coming to NBTS, President McCreary was president and CEO of McCreary and Madison Associates, a psychological and human resources consulting firm headquartered in Richmond, VA. He also served as a tenured Associate Professor of Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) for 21 years. While at VCU, President McCreary held the positions of Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity, Quality Enhancement Plan Coordinator, and Co-Director of the Counseling Psychology Program. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics such as Trauma and Race: The Path to Psycho-Social-Spiritual Wellbeing; Church Hurt and Suicidal Ideation: What the Church Should and Shouldn’t Say and Do; and The Holy Pause of Holy Saturday
President McCreary is a member of the New Brunswick Classis of the Reformed Church in America (RCA). He was ordained by the New Hope Baptist Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan (member of the National Baptist Convention), and his ordination was recognized by the American Baptist Churches in 2001 and received by the RCA in 2018. In 2021 President McCreary was installed as an RCA General Synod Professor of Theology.
President McCreary and his spouse, Rev. Dr. Jacqueline E. Madison-McCreary, pastored the Spring Creek Baptist Church in Moseley, Virginia for 16 years. Prior to Spring Creek, Dr. McCreary was Director of Youth Ministry for the Baptist General Convention of Virginia and Senior Pastor of the Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church of Sandston, Virginia. The McCrearys are the parents of one adult daughter, Makeda McCreary.
President and John Henry Livingston Professor of Theology, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 2017-date
President, McCreary and Madison Associates Incorporated, Highland Park NJ, 2014-date
Pastor and Teacher, Spring Creek Baptist Church, Moseley, Virginia, 2001-2017
Associate Director and Clinical Director, Human Resources Incorporated, Richmond, Virginia, 2014-2016
Associate Professor (tenured), Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Psychology, Richmond, VA, 2000-2014
Co-Director of Counseling Training, Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Psychology, Richmond, Virginia, 2008-2011
Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity, Virginia Commonwealth University, Office of Academic Affairs, Richmond, Virginia, 2003-2005
Quality Enhancement Plan Coordinator, Virginia Commonwealth University, Office of Academic Affairs, Richmond, Virginia, 2004-2005
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Psychology, Richmond, Virginia, 1993-2000
Director, Counseling and Student Development Center Virginia Union University, Richmond, Virginia, 1987-1988
Pastor, Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church, Sandston, Virginia, 1986-1989
Director, Division of Youth, Baptist General Convention of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, 1983-1986
Computer Consultant II, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1982-1983
Academic Programmer, Wayne County Community College/System and Computer Technology Inc., Detroit, Michigan, 1981-1982
Psychological Consultant, TAG Services, Richmond, Virginia, 2016-2017
Pastoral Psychologist Consultant, Samuel Dewitt Proctor, School of Theology, Virginia Union University, Richmond, Virginia, 2001-2017
Psychological Consultant, Human Resource Incorporated, Richmond, Virginia, 2010-2016
Senior Consultant, Associated Behavioral Outcomes and Developmental Experts of Virginia, 2009-2010
- Reformed Church in American, General Synod Professor (Elected October 2021)
- Minister of Word and Sacrament, Reformed Church in America (2018)
- NCC AP National Certified Master Addiction Counselor (2016)
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapist Certified (DBTC), Dialectical Behavior Therapy National Certification and Accreditation Association (2015)
- Ordination Received by American Baptist Churches, USA (2001)
- Clinical Psychology (1996), Virginia License #0810002138.
- Ordained Christian Minister (1984), New Hope Baptist Church, Ann Arbor, MI., National Baptist Convention, USA
- John Henry Livingston Professor of Theology (2018-date)
- RCA General Synod Professor (2021-date)
- Outstanding Leadership in Queens, The Board of Director of the Queens Federation of Churches (2019)
- 2013-2014 Teacher of the Year, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University.
- Member, Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Honor Society, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2012.
- American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow 2006-2007, Longwood University; Mentor: Dr. Patricia Cormier, President.
- CUMU/ACE Fellow Award 2006-2007.
- 2006 African American Alumni Council Outstanding Alumni Award, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
- Elske v.P. Smith Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Humanities and Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2000.
- Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 1998.
- Gimbel Child and Family Fellow, Gimbel Child and Family Scholar Award Program, New London, Connecticut, 1996-1997.
- Philadelphia Child Guidance Center, Internship in Child Clinical Psychology (APA Approved), Philadelphia, PA., 1992-1993.
- Pre-doctoral Fellowship Program, Virginia State Council of Higher Education,1989-1992. Awarded $30,000.
- Central State Hospital, Externship in Adolescent Psychology, Petersburg, VA, 1991-1992.
- Graduate Fellow, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 1988-1991.
- Minority Fellowship Program, American Psychological Association, 1991. Awarded $10,000.
- Outstanding Counseling Graduate Student Award, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 1992.
- Joan Dallum Graduate Student Research Award, Association of College Personnel Administrator, Commission VII, 1991.
- Summer Dissertation Workshop for Minority Students Engaged in the Study of Urban Underclass, sponsored by the Social Science Research Council, held at the University of California Los Angeles, Summer 1990.
- Humanities and Sciences Distinguished Service Award, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 1991.
- Graduate Fellowship, Howard University, Washington, D.C., 1986-1987.
- National Dean’s List, Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA, 1985-1986.
- Who’s Who Among College and University Students, 1986.
- Outstanding Young Men of America, 1984.
- Member, Commission of Theology, Reformed Church in American (2021 – date)
- Organizing Member, Pastoral Formation Oversite Board, Reformed Church in American, Grand Rapids, MI (2018 – date)
- Member New Brunswick Classis (2018 – date)
- Member, Commissioned Pastor Advisory Team, Reformed Church in American, Grand Rapids, MI (2017 – date)
- Board Member, Salvation and Social Justice (https://sandsj.org/home), 2021- date.
- Board Member, Black Community Watch Line, New Brunswick New Jersey, 2021 – date.
- Board Member, Minority Fellowship Program, American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.; 2014 – 2020.
- Initial Review Committee, Minority Fellowship Program, American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.; 2004-2014.
Currently, my four research foci are: (1) Integration of Trauma, Spirituality and Psychology, (2) Influence of Culture on Health, (3) Family and Community Psychology Interventions, and (4) Mental Health Groups with Substance Abusing Populations.
- Pilgrimages of Striving and Thriving: Produced jointly by Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Society and Good Faith Media, this podcast explores how Black pastoral leaders in the United States flourish in their various ministerial contexts.
- Lavish Hope: Overcoming the Unexpected
- The Uncertainty of Now and Humility Christ Presbyterian church, Richmond Virginia
- Faith, Trauma, and Resilience: First Things First, First Reformed Church, Byron, Michigan With Andy Bossardet
- Unpacking Hate: Race. Resistance. Resilience.
- The Uncertainty of Now and Humility
- Liminal Space Prayer
- The Holy Pause of Holy Saturday
- Direction and Discernment
- Pain and Joy as Healing Waters
- Prayer for Healing – 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Crucial Conversation about Current Issues
- Good and Evil: Our Constant Companions and Instructors
- Turning this World Upside Down and Inside Out – Part 1
- Turning this World Upside Down and Inside Out – Part 2
- Facts, Fiction, and Faith: Legalization of Marijuana in New Jersey
Grants and Contracts Obtained and Funded
Principal Investigator/Senior Consultant, Micah L. McCreary; Co-Investigator/Program Director, Gihane Jeremie-Brink, and Director of Assessment, Terry A. Smith, WELL Program (Jan 2021- December 2025). Lilly Endowment Incorporation. Awarded $927,462.00.
Principal Investigator, Micah L. McCreary; Co-Investigators, Gihane Jeremie-Brink, Jacqueline E. Madison-McCreary, and Terry A. Smith, Partnership in Resiliency in Ministry (PRIM) Planning Grant (2020). Lilly Endowment Incorporation. Awarded $43,000.
Principal Investigator, David Goatley; Co-Investigators, Micah L. McCreary and Jacqueline E. Madison-McCreary, Thriving in Ministry (2018). Lilly Foundation. Awarded $1,200,000.
Principal Contractor, Micah L. McCreary, Human Resources, Incorporated (July 2014- June 2017). Awarded $375,000.
Principal Contractor, Micah L. McCreary, Human Resources, Incorporated (July 2013- June 2014). Awarded $75,000.
Principal Contractor, Micah L. McCreary, Barry T. Young Center for Career Development and Ministry at Virginia Union University, Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology (July 2013- June 2014). Awarded $103,000.
Principal Contractor, Micah L. McCreary, Barry T. Young Center for Career Development and Ministry at Virginia Union University, Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology (January to June 2013). Awarded $47,000.
Principal Investigator, Micah L. McCreary; Co-Investigator, Heather Jones, The BEST Program: Brothers Energized, Spirited, Talented (2012). Quest for Distinction Grant, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Awarded $50,000.
Principal Contractor, Micah L. McCreary, Virginia Department of Social Services, Commonwealth of Virginia (July to December 2013). Awarded $15,000.
Principal Investigator, Faye Belgrave; Co-Investigators, Kevin Allison and Micah L. McCreary, Substance Abuse prevention with African American Girls: Comparing a culturally-specific intervention to a standard intervention (1999). Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). Awarded $1,240,000.
Principal Investigator, Micah L. McCreary; Co-Investigators, Faye Belgrave and Kevin Allison, Project IMPACT: A Family Based Psychoeducational Prevention Project for Substance Abusing Families (1998). Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). Awarded $1,240,400.
Principal Investigator, Micah L. McCreary, Promoting breast cancer prevention behaviors in rural African-American women: A comparative analysis (1994). Massey Cancer Center (MCV-VCU) and American Cancer society. Awarded $8,500.
McCreary, M. L. (September 2023). Trauma and Race: A Path to Wellbeing. Minneapolis MN: Fortress.
Books in preparation
McLean-Farrell, J., Brumm, J., and McCreary, M. L. (Eds) (in preparation). Still Being Re-Formed: Growing as an Anti-Racism Seminary.
McCreary, M. L., McCreary, S. A., and Adams, S. H. (in preparation). Behold, My Brother: Two Sons of Destiny, Two Live Interrupted, Two Men of Resilience
Madison-McCreary, J. E. & McCreary, M. L. (in preparation). Pricilla and Aquila: Modern Male Female Partnership in Ministry
Published Articles and Book Chapters
McCreary, M. L. (Under review). Forward. In Rev. Dr. Loreno R. Flemmings, Growing a Healthy and Faithful Congregation.
McCreary, M. L. (Under review). Church Hurt and Suicidal Ideation: What the Church Should and Shouldn’t Say and Do. In Wounded in the Manger: Theological Essays on Church Hurt; Editors –Dr. DeWayne R. Stallworth, Ph.D., Mr. Kevaughn Mattis.
McCreary, M. L. (Under review). Prophetic Teachers of the Church. In James Brumm (Ed.) Russell Gesaro. Congregational History Series, Reformed Church Press.
McCreary, M. L., & McLean Farrell (under review). The Holy Pause of Holy Saturday. In Bradley Lewis (Ed.) Cornelis Kors. Congregational History Series, Reformed Church Press.
McCreary, M. L., & Brown, J. Y. (February 2022). How to Navigate and Resolve Family Conflict in a Healthy Way: A Biblical Perspective. https://www.faithward.org/how-to-navigate-and-resolve-family-conflict-in-healthy-way-biblical-perspective/
McCreary, M.L. (2020). Forward. In Dr. Jessica Young Brown, Making SPACE at the Well (pages 1-4) Valley Forge: Judson Press.
Smith, T. A., & McCreary, M. L. (2020). Turning Tragedy into Triumph: One Woman’s Vigil for Justice. Women’s Transformation & Leadership Bible Study Series (https://www.faithward.org/women-of-the-bible-study-series/). Reformed Church in America: Reformed Church Press.
McCreary, M. L. (2019). The Pastor and Church in Modern Society. In M. van Maastricht (Ed.) Remembrance, Communion, and Hope: Essays in honor of Allan Janssen. Congregational History Series, Reformed Church Press, pp. 17-32.
Young Brown, J., & McCreary, M. L. (2014). Pastors’ Counseling Practices and Perceptions of Mental Health Services: Implications for African American Mental Health. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 68(1), 1-14
Fife, J.E., McCreary, M. L., Kilgour, J., Canter, D., Adegoke, A.A. (2011). Religious commitment, social support and life satisfaction among college students. College Student Journal. Vol. 45, 2
McCreary, M. L., Young, J. J., Jones, M. Y., Fife, J. E. & Pasquarello. C. D. (2011). Project IMPPACT: A Psycho-educational problem-solving intervention for children. Journal of Instructional Psychology. Vol, 38, 2, pp. 124-132.
Fife, J.E.., McCreary, M. L., Brewer, T., Adegoke, A.A. (2011). Family Rituals, Religious Involvement, and Drug Attitudes among Recovering Substance Abusers. North American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 13,1, pp 87-99.
Fife, J.E., McCreary, M. L., Kilgour, J., Canter, D., Adegoke, A.A. (2010) Self Identification among African American and Caucasian Students. College Student Journal, Vol. 44,4, pp 994-1005.
Hart, A., Smith, W., Tademy, R., McClish, D.K., and McCreary, M. L. (2009). Health Decision Making among African-American Men Recruited from Urban Barbershops. Journal of National Medical Association. 101(7), 684-689.
McCreary, M. L., Jones, M.J., Fife, J.E., and Tademy, R. (2009). A Partnership between the African American Church and the University: IMPPACT and S.P.I.C.E.S. In S. Evans, C. Taylor, M. Dunlap, & D. Miller (Eds.) African Americans & Community Engagement in Higher Education: Community Service, Service-Learning, & Community Based Research African Americans & Community Engagement in Higher Education: Community Service, Service-Learning, & Community Based Research (pp. 173-188). New York: SUNY.
McCreary, M. L., Cunningham, J.N., Ingram, K.M., Fife, F.E. (2006). Stress, culture, and racial socialization: Making an IMPACT. In P. Wong & L. Wong Handbook of Multicultural Perspectives on Stress and Coping (International and Cultural Psychology) (487-513). New York: Springer.
McCreary, M. L., & Walker, T. D. (2001). Teaching Multicultural Counseling Prepracticum. Teaching of Psychology, 28(3), 195-198.
McCreary, M. L., Lewis, D. K., & Walker, T. D. (1999). Multicultural counseling competency. In S. Hinkle (Ed.), Promoting Optimum Mental Health Through Counseling (pp.149-154). Greensboro, NC: Eric.
McCreary, M. L., & Jones, D. (1999). Black issues in psychology and pastoral care. In Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling (2nd ed., pp. 149-151).
McCreary, J. E., & McCreary, M. L. (1999). Human resources training and development. In Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling (2nd ed., pp. 585-586).
McCreary, M. L. (1999). Rett’s disorder. In Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling (2nd ed., pp. 1043-1044).
McCreary, M. L. (1999). Scapegoating. In Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling (2nd ed., pp. 1054-1055).
McCreary, M. L., Maffuid, J., & Stepter, T. A. (1998). Bridges to effective treatment: family therapy and family psychoeducational interventions with maltreating and substance abusing families. In R. L. Hampton, V. Senstore, & T. P. Gullotta (Series Eds.), Substance abuse, family violence and child welfare: Bridging perspectives: Vol. 10. Issues in Children’s and Families’ Lives (pp. 220-248). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
McCreary, M. L. (1998). The Importance of Non-Abusive Physical Punishment: A Response to Lowe (1998) and Larzelere (1998). Marriage and Family: A Christian Journal, 1, 205-207.
McCreary, M. L. (1998). The IMPACT Program: An African-American Parent Training Program. Marriage and Family: A Christian Journal, 1, 142-151.
McCreary, M. L., & Wright, R. C. (1997). More Than A Story: The Effects of Negative Stereotypes on African American Male and Female Relationships. The Journal of African-American Men, 2, 25-46.
Wright, R. C., & McCreary, M. L. (1997). The Talented Ten: Supporting African American male college students. The Journal of African-American Men, 3, 45-68.
McCreary, M. L., Nicholson, S. C., Stepter, T. A., Walker, T. D., & Berry, E. J. (1997). Making an IMPACT on Our Youth. In R. G. Murray, D. Riddick, & S. B. McDowney (Eds.), Take Me Back: Empowering the family for kingdom readiness (pp. 39-46). Richmond, VA.: Baptist General Convention of Virginia.
McCreary, M. L. (1997). Strategic Pastoral Counseling/Strategic Christian Living Series: A pastor-therapist reviews. Marriage and Family: A Christian Journal, 1, 100-101.
McCreary, M. L., Slavin, L. A., & Berry E. J. (1996). Predicting problem-behavior and self-esteem among African-American adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 11, 217-236.
McCreary, M. L. (1996, January). Making the most of multicultural moments. Psych Discourse, 27, 12-13.
McCreary, M. L. (Spring, 1995). Practical integration in the practice of counseling. CAPS East Newsletter, 3, 4.
Slavin, L. A., Rainer, K. L., McCreary, M. L., & Gowda, K. K. (1991). Toward a multicultural model of the stress process. Journal of Counseling and Development, 70, 156-163.
Paper, Abstract, Invited Lectures, Talks, and Symposium Presentations
McCreary, M. L. (Oct 28, 2020). Zoom Presenter. Race, Trauma, and Mental. Interviewers Stacy Hawkins Adams and Robert Dortch. Richmond, VA.
McCreary, M. L. (Oct 23, 2020). Pod Cast Interview with Lott Carey Thriving and Striving in Ministry Program. Thriving and Striving in Leadership and Pastoral Ministry. Dr. David Goatley Interviewer. Duke School of Divinity, Duke University. Durham, NC.
McCreary, M. L. (Oct 9, 2020). Masterclass Conversation with Transforming and Transformed. Leadership and the Church. Reformed Church in America. Grand Rapids, MI.
McCreary, M. L. (July 28, 2020). Zoom Panel Participant. Public Responses to Government Sanctioned Violence. A Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School #CRCDSCares Conversation. Rochester, NY.
McCreary, M. L. (June 29, 2020). Zoom Panel Participant. Reflection by an African American President in Preparation to working with an African American President. Rutgers African American Alumni Alliance. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
McCreary, M. L. (June 27, 2020). Zoom Keynote Speaker. “The Holy Pause.” Fatherhood Survival Toolkit 2020. Union County Fatherhood Initiative Coalition. Union County, NJ.
McCreary, M. L. (June 20, 2020). Keynote Speaker. Black Lives Matter Students Protest. North Brunswick Township High School. Woodlot Park, South Brunswick, NJ.
McCreary, M. L. (June 15, 2020). Zoom Panel Participant. Race, Racism, and Mental Health. Reformed Church in American. New Brunswick, NJ.
McCreary, M. L. (June 15, 2020). Zoom Panel Participant. Dismantling Racism Partnerships. Reformed Church in American. New Brunswick, NJ.
McCreary, M. L. (June 2, 2020). Zoom Panel Participant. Race in America and the RCA. Reformed Church in American. New Brunswick, NJ.
McCreary, M. L. (June 5, 2020). Zoom Panel Participant. Mental Health – Mental and Emotional Wellbeing. Reformed Church in American African American Black Council. New Brunswick, NJ.
McCreary, M. L. (June 2, 2020). Zoom Panel Participant. Race in America and the RCA. Reformed Church in American. New Brunswick, NJ.
Smith, T. A. & McCreary, M. L. (November 2019). All My Children: Grief as a Reconciliatory Agent in 2 Samuel 21:1-14? Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, California.
McCreary, M. L. & McCreary, S. A. (August 10, 2019). Presenter. Sankofa: Journeys of Resilience, Recovery, and Reconciliation for African American Men. SIS American Psychological Association.
McCreary, M. L. (June 23, 2015). Panel Participant. The Father Wound. 2nd Annual Richmond Regional – Virginia Family and Fatherhood Symposium. Virginia Department of Health, Richmond, Virginia.
McCreary, M.L. (June 23, 2015). Workshop Presenter. Attachment and Trauma (The Soul Wound). 2nd Annual Richmond Regional – Virginia Family and Fatherhood Symposium. Virginia Department of Health, Richmond, Virginia.
McCreary, M. L. (February 12, 203). Menaces to Society: Exploring The Era of Black Gangster Movies And Their Impact On Crime And Violence. VCU Black History Program, Richmond, Virginia.
McCreary, M. L. (February 28, 2013). Clergy Only: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Your Congregation, A Shepherd’s Responsibility. 13th Central Texas African American Support Conference. Austin Texas for the Hogg Foundation and University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
McCreary, M. L. (February 28, 2013). Clergy Only: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Your Congregation, A Shepherd’s Responsibility. 13th Central Texas African American Support Conference. Austin Texas for the Hogg Foundation and University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
McCreary, M. L. (October 17, 2013). Elephants and Puppies. Henrico High School Convocation, Henrico County, Virginia.
Woolridge, B. & McCreary M.L. (May 4, 2012). Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving the Academic Performance of Undergraduates. Center for Teaching Excellence, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
McCreary, M. L. (February 16, 2012). Clergy Only: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Your Congregation, A Shepherd’s Responsibility. 12th Central Texas African American Support Conference. Austin Texas for the Hogg Foundation and University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
McCreary, M. L. (February 16, 2012). Action and Application: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Your Congregation, A Shepherd’s Responsibility. 12th Central Texas African American Support Conference. Austin Texas for the Hogg Foundation and University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
McCreary, M. L. (February 16, 2012). Church Member’s Opportunities: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Your Congregation, A Shepherd’s Responsibility. 12th Central Texas African American Support Conference. Austin Texas for the Hogg Foundation and University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
Reid, R., McCreary, M. L. (March, 2011). Video Game Play Habits. Poster session presented at the Departments of Undergraduate Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Undergraduate Student Research Conference, Richmond, VA.
Berhane, H., Celis, R., Epps, K., Reid, R., Williams, C., Watson, C, Byrd, S., Pasquariello, C., & McCreary, M. L. (March, 2010.) On the precipice: Factors preventing young males from being good fathers. Poster session presented at the Departments of Psychology & African American Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and the Department of Psychology at Virginia State University (VSU) 2nd Annual Black Psychology Undergraduate Student Research Conference, Richmond, VA.
McCreary, M. L., Young, J. J., Johnson, A. J., Tinsley, T., Tademy, R., Hart, A., Jones, M., Fox, M., & Surles, J. (August 2009). Research That Works: Using A Quality Engagement as A Framework in Teaching and Scholarship. 2009 ABPsi Annual Convention, Atlanta GA.
McCreary, M. L., Young, J.J., Johnson, M. A., Tinsley, T., Tademy, R., Hart, A., Jones, M., & Surles, J. (April 2009). Research That Works: Using A Quality Engagement as A Framework in Teaching and Scholarship Mid-Year Conference on Religion & Spirituality, Sponsored by Division 36 of the APA and the Department of Pastoral Counseling at Loyola College in Maryland.
McCreary, M. L., (April 2006) “What’s Going On? A Look at the Plight of Today’s African American College Student,” African American Alumni Council, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. (Facilitator and Discussant).
McCreary, M. L., (March 2006) “The Scholar in Christian Psychology: A Personal Testimony,” Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. (Invited address)
Quimby, J., Brooks, L., McCreary, M. L., & O’Brien, K. (July 2004) “Scholarship of teaching and learning: Applications in psychology graduate programs.” Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI. (peer reviewed).
McCreary, M. L., Jones, M. Y., Fife, J. E. (July 2004) “Using Multiple Classroom Assessment Techniques to Examine Student Learning in a Diversity Course” Division 2 American Psychological Association National Conference. (peer reviewed).
Yarhouse, M., McCreary, M. L., Fife, J. E. (August 2002) “Symposium on teaching about religion as an expression of diversity” Division 2 American Psychological Association National Conference. (peer reviewed)
McCreary, M. L. (August 2001) “A Community Response to Adolescent Suicide.” Presented to Families and Community Together (FACT) 2nd Annual Institute, Virginia Union University, Sponsored by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (peer reviewed).
McCreary, M. L. (July 2000) “My Development as a Professor and Researcher”. Presented to Hampton University COR Program.
McCreary, M. L. (May 2000)“The Ramifications of Affirmative Action on the Male Psyche.” Presented to the faculty, Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA.
McCreary, M. L. (May 2000) “Pedagogical Change: Reexamining the Curriculum in Higher Education.” Presented to the faculty Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA.
McCreary, M. L. (May 2000) “Integrating Multiculturalism: The Empowerment Theory.” Presented to the faculty Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA.
McCreary, M. L., Belgrave, F. Z., Allison, K. W. (February 2000) “Project IMPACT: A Family Based Psychoeducational Prevention Project for Substance Abusing Families”. Presented to Hampton University Research Forum 2000.
Belgrave, F. Z., McCreary, M. L., Allison, K. W. (August, 1999) “Culturally Competent Interventions with African-American Children of Substance Abusing Parents, Annual Meeting of Association of Black Psychologist, CA.
McCreary, M. L. (June, 1997). “The African-American Male and Violence,” Mini-Symposium at the Old Dominion Medical Society, 92nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Session, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
McCreary, M. L. (June, 1997). More Than A Story: The Effects of Negative Stereotypes on African American Male and Female Relationships. Paper presented at the Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Medical Center, Richmond, VA.
McCreary, M. L., Nicholson, S. C., Berry, E. J., & Stepter, T. (September, 1996). Parenting and Discipline: Cultural Considerations, Paper presentation at The Virginia Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners.
Nicholson, S. C., McCreary, M. L., & Berry, E. J. (October, 1996). Cultural and Spiritual Model of Authoritative Parenting: A parenting Intervention for African Americans, Paper presentation at The Sixth Annual Virginia Beach Conference: Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorder.
Berry, E. J., McCreary, M. L., & Nicholson, S. C. (October, 1996). The Influence of Socio-Racial Factors on the Parenting Styles of African American Parents and Adolescent Outcomes, Paper presentation at The Sixth Annual Virginia Beach Conference: Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
Nicholson, S. C., McCreary, M. L., & Berry, E. J. (October, 1996). Cultural and Spiritual Model of Authoritative Parenting: A parenting Intervention for African Americans, Poster presentation at The 25th Celebration of African American Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Berry, E. J., McCreary, M. L., & Nicholson, S. C. (October, 1996). The Influence of Socio-Racial Factors on the Parenting Styles of African American Parents and Adolescent Outcomes, Poster presentation at The 25th Celebration of African American Studies at VCU.
Walker, T. D., & McCreary, M. L. (October, 1996). A psychometric analysis of the staff needs analysis scale. Poster presentation at The 25th Celebration of African American Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Wright, R. C., & McCreary, M. L. (October, 1996). The Talented Ten: Supporting African American male college students. Poster presentation at The 25th Celebration of African American Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Kruus, L. K., Auerbach, S. M., & McCreary, M. L. (March, 1996). Adaptation of a Breast Cancer Intervention for Rural African American Women, Poster presentation at the Fourth International Congress of Behavioral Medicine in conjunction with the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Seventeenth Annual Scientific Session, Washington, D.C.
Kruus, L. K., McCreary, M. L., & Auerbach, S. M. (March, 1996). Early Breast Cancer Detection Behaviors in Rural African American Women, Paper presentation at the 16th Annual Seminar of Cancer Researchers in Virginia, Norfolk, Virginia.
Kruus, L. K., Auerbach, S. M., & McCreary, M. L. (March, 1996). Early Breast Cancer Detection Behaviors in Rural African American Women, Poster presentation at the 20th annual meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology, Bethesda, Maryland.
McCreary, M. L. (September, 1994). The Integration of Spirituality and Psychology: A Personal Narrative. Paper presented at the Christian Association of Psychology Studies (CAPS), Sandy Cove Conference Center, Northeast, Maryland.
McCreary, M. L. (July, 1994). Spirituality and Sexuality: Healing Our Brokenness. Paper presented at Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Virginia Union University, School of Theology; and Virginia Cluster for Pastoral Education. Richmond, Virginia
McCreary, M. L. (April, 1994). The Relationship Between Spirituality and Psychology to Pastoral Care. Paper presented at the Grand Rounds, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Pastoral Counseling. Richmond, Virginia.
McCreary, M. L., Berry, E. J., & Wright, R. C. (February, 1994). Racially Different Social Contexts of African-American Adolescents: An Exploration of the Interactions Between Behaviors, Racial Attitudes, and Social Environment. Paper presented at National Association of African-American Studies. Petersburg, Virginia.
Slavin, L. A., Rainer, K. L., McCreary, M. L., & Gowda, K. K. (1991, February). “Prevention work with adolescents across cultural lines.” Research colloquia presented to the Scientific Forum in Counseling Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Psychology, Richmond, VA.
Slavin, L. A., & McCreary, M. L. (1990, October). Prevention work with adolescents across cultural lines. Paper presented as part of a prevention roundtable, at the Southeast Regional Eco-Community Conference, Syria, VA.
Slavin, L. A., & McCreary, M. L. (1990, March). Positive Racial Identification: Does It Play a Protective Role in Stress Process Among African-American Adolescents? Paper presented at the Biennial Conference on Human Development, Richmond, VA.
Slavin, L. A., & McCreary, M. L. (1989, December). Racial identity and Well-being among African-Americans: The Current Debate in Counseling Psychology. Research colloquia presented to the Scientific Forum in Counseling Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Psychology, December, 1989.
Grants and Contracts Submitted but not Funded
Principal Investigator/Senior Consultant, Micah L. McCreary; Faith and Justice: Seminary Pipeline Program (Jan 2022- December 2027). Lilly Endowment Incorporation. Requested $4,620,000.00.
Principal Investigator/Senior Consultant, Micah L. McCreary; Theology, Restoration, Unity, Equity (TRUE) Center Program (August 2, 2021). Lilly Endowment Incorporation. Requested $840,462.00.
Principal Contractor, Micah L. McCreary. Barry T. Young Center for Career Development and Ministry at Virginia Union University, Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology (2013). Requested $130,000.
Principal Investigator, Micah L. McCreary; Co-Investigators, Heather Jones, The BEST Program: Brothers Energized, Spirited, Talented. (2012). Quest for Distinction Grant, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Requested $50,000.
Principal Investigator, Micah L. McCreary; Co-Investigators, Heather Jones and Raymond Tademy, The BEST Program: Brothers Energized, Spirited, Talented. (2012). Forward Promise Grant, Robert Woods Johnson Foundation (RWJF). Requested $500,000.
Principal Investigator, Micah L. McCreary; Co-Investigators, Heather Jones and Raymond Tademy, The BEST Program Pilot Study: Brothers Energized, Spirited, Talented. (2012). Project Grants for Researchers, Louisville Institute. Requested $25,000.
Principal Consultant, Micah L. McCreary; Minister Development Project (2012). Virginia Union University, School of Theology. Proposed Budget $125,000 annually.
McCreary, M.L., Woolridge, B., Woods, J. (2012). Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving the Academic Performance of Undergraduates. Center for Teaching Excellence, Virginia Commonwealth University. Requested Budget $5,000.00.
Manuals and Resource Publication
McCreary, M. L. (2005, 2012, 2016). IMPPACT SUMMER CAMP: Child Psychoeducational Intervention A 10-week Intervention built on the principles of child development family counseling, value enhancement, cultural competence, and developmental psychology. The intervention is designed to strengthen the parent-child relationship, teach skillful reasoning, and skillful periodic discipline. Each session lasts 60 minutes.
McCreary, M. L., Nicholson, S. C., Berry, E. J., Stepter, T., & Walker, T. D. (1999). Project IMPACT: Parent Psychoeducational Intervention. A 12-week intervention built on the principles of family counseling, cultural competence, and developmental psychology. The intervention is designed to strengthen the parent-child relationship, teach skillful reasoning, and skillful periodic discipline. Each session lasts 60 -90 minutes.
McCreary, M. L., Stepter, T., Lanier, A. E. (1999). Project IMPACT: Child Psychoeducational Intervention. A 12-week intervention built on the principles of child development family counseling, cultural competence, and developmental psychology. The intervention is designed to strengthen the parent-child relationship, teach skillful reasoning, and skillful periodic discipline. Each session lasts 60 -90 minutes.
McCreary, M. L., Gray, F., Harris, T. S. (1999). Rites of Passage Psychoeducational Intervention. A 12-week intervention built on the principles of family counseling, cultural competence, and developmental psychology. The intervention is designed to strengthen the parent-child relationship, teach skillful reasoning, and skillful periodic discipline. Each session lasts 60 -90 minutes.
McCreary, M. L. and Walker, T. D. (2000). Pre-practicum in Multicultural Counseling. Syllabi, Outlines and Lectures submitted for publication to the APA’s Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training.
McCreary, M. L., Nicholson, S. C., Berry, E. J., Stepter, T., & Walker, T. D. (1996). The Impact Program. An 8-week intervention for parents and children focused on developing prosocial skills and violence prevention skills.
- Member, American Psychological Association, Division 17-Counseling Psychology, 1993-date.
- Vice President, Faculty Senate; Virginia Commonwealth University; 2009-2011.
- Member, University Promotion and Tenure Committee; Virginia Commonwealth University; 2009-2011.
- Member, University Council; Virginia Commonwealth University; 2009-2011.
- President, Black Education Association; Virginia Commonwealth University; 2005-2011.
- Coordinator, Workforce Diversity, Center for Health Disparities; Virginia Commonwealth University; Richmond, VA; 2005-2007.
- Chair, University Hearing Board; Virginia Commonwealth University; 2005-2007.
- Reviewer, Minority Fellowship Program, American Psychological Association 2004-2014.
- President-elect, Black Education Association; Virginia Commonwealth University; 2002-2005.
- Advisor Board Member, Center for Psychological Services Development, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; 1993-2005.
- Governing Board, VCU Head Start Program, 2004-2009.
- Member, Affirmative Action/504 Committee; Virginia Commonwealth University; 2002-2005.
- Member, Faculty Senate; Virginia Commonwealth University; 2001-2005.
- Faculty Reviewer, Counseling Psychology Admission Committee; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; Spring 2003.
- Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee for Dr. Kathleen Ingram; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; Fall 2002.
- Faculty Reviewer, Counseling Psychology Admission Committee; Department of Psychology; Virginia Commonwealth University; Spring 2002.
- Member, Counseling Psychology Faculty Search Committee; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; 1999-2000.
- Member, Personnel Committee; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; Richmond 1997-2000.
- Chair, Department Multicultural Committee; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; 1995-1996.
- Member, Counseling Psychology Faculty Search Committee; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; 1994-1995.
- Member, Psychology Pre-Strategic Planning Committee; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; 1994.
- Member, Committee on Multiculturalism; Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; 1994-1995.
- Member, Psychology Undergraduate Committee Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University; 1993-1994.
- Coordinator of Preliminary Examinations, Counseling Psychology Program, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 1997-2000.
- Advisor Board Member, Institute of African American Mental Health Training and Research (IAM), Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Psychology 1996-2014.
- Member, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, National Certification and Accreditation Association, 2015 to Date.
- Board Member, Minority Fellowship Program Training Advisory Committee, American Psychological Association, 2014 to date.
- Executive Director, I.M.P.P.A.C.T. Family programs. 1990 to 2017.
- Board Member, Metropolitan Preparatory Academy, Richmond Virginia, 2015 to 2016.
- Board Member, Richmond Christian Leadership Institute, Richmond, VA. 2007 to 2014.
- Governance Board Member, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Social Work Head Start Program, 2003 to 2009.
- Board Member, Saint Paul’s Baptist Church-Barnabus Counseling Ministry, Richmond, VA. 2005 to 2010.
- Supervising and Consulting Psychologist, Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA 2001-2008.
- Faculty, Educational and Cultural Programs, Smithsonian Associates, Washington, D.C.,1996-1997.
- Supervising Psychologist, Rubicon Women’s and Children’s Substance Abuse Facility, Richmond Behavioral Health Authority, Richmond, VA. 1997-2002.
- Member, Association of Black Psychologists 1993-2004.
- Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Black Psychology 1996-2004.
- Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Counseling Psychology 1999-2004.
- Ad Hoc Reviewer, Marriage and Family: A Christian Journal 1999-2001.
- Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2001-2002.
- Board of Directors, Richmond Court Appointed Special Advocates 1996-1999.
- Advisor Board Member, Institute of Transformative Theology, Virginia Union University 1998-2004.
- Advisor Board Member, Prevention Outreach, Richmond Behavioral Health Authority 1996-2004.
- Heart Problems, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation: Trends Shaping the Church Today. Presented to the 117th Annual Session of the Baptist General Convention (June 26, 2016). This workshop focused on the 4 – Major Heart Problems people in pain and in churches experiences. Workshop taught the Ev Worthington’s REACH model of forgiveness and Planks on the Bridge of Reconciliation.
- Heart Problems of Mister and Pete: Trends Shaping the Church Today. Presented to the 117th Annual Session of the Baptist General Convention (June 27, 2016). Seminar reviewed and explored the six trends found by Bob Smietana (Lifeway Christian Resources) and three critical trends (A Serious Concern and Focus on Ecological Matters, A Serious Concern and Focus on Social Justice Issues, and A Serious Concern and Focus on Mental Health (including substance abuse)) suggested by the facilitator.
- Head and Heart Problems: Trends Shaping the Church Today. Presented to the 117th Annual Session of the Baptist General Convention (June 29, 2016). This session focused on brain health and the challenges of not caring for the brain and the body. Fasting and meditating were studied as techniques for improving the body and the brain.
- Attachment and Trauma (The Father Wound). Presented to Richmond Family and Fatherhood Initiative, Richmond Virginia (June 2015). This workshop focused on the phenomena of the father wound, particularly how families and communities are affected by fathers who are either: physically present and psychologically absent or physically absent and psychologically present with their children, partners, and families. Participants in the workshop will explore the effects of the father wound on father engagement, responsible fatherhood, and healthy family relationships. This workshop included strategies and interventions that practitioners and other interested persons can practically implement in their program and lives.
- 116th Annual Session BGC of VA Board Encouragement Sessions (June 2015). This two-day conference focused assisting Board Members to Reflect on a common goal of Creating Community, exploring their gifts and contributions to BGC overall success and prosperity, and exploring using “Creative Deviance” as Board Members to continue the work of the Convention. The Session also explored the effectiveness of servant leadership approach to leading.
Since 1987, I have had the opportunity to gain training and experience with the following assessment instruments.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R),
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III),
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test (Lacks scoring system).
Vocational and Interest Inventories
Strong Interest Inventory,
Self-Directed Search (SDS),
Minnesota Importance Questionnaire
Personality Inventories
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Adult and Adolescent),
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI),
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI),
California Psychological Inventory (CPI).
Emotional Intelligence
House-Tree-Person Figure Drawings,
Rotter Sentence Completion Blank,
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT),
Rorschach Inkblot Test.