Student Emergency Fund
April 14, 2020
This semester, I am co-teaching our Race, Class, and Gender course. This is hybrid class that typically meets once a month in person during the semester. A couple of weeks ago, we had our first online gathering since we moved all our courses online. The students took turns sharing about how they were doing and how their lives had changed. Some are working from home, some had lost their jobs, some are working on the front lines, several students had family members stricken with Covid-19, but one thing was true for all of them – their lives had dramatically changed since the last time we met in March. It was a blessing to be able to come together to share one another’s burdens and grow together.
These are unprecedented times, and amid the uncertainty surrounding this situation, the health of our students, faculty, and staff remains our top priority. The global pandemic has allowed us to change the way we do our work at New Brunswick Theological Seminary and has pushed us forward to more online learning. We are tirelessly pursuing ways to fulfill our mission and provide an excellent seminary education for our students.
I am especially grateful for you, the New Brunswick Theological Seminary community, during this time. Many of you have reached out to ask how you can be praying for us and our students, as well as how you can help students experiencing difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Student requests for emergency funds and scholarship support increase daily, and they will continue to climb over the coming weeks. Many students face food insecurity, lost wages, and other financial challenges. One of our students writes:
“I work two jobs to be able to pay for my seminary education. Recently, my husband lost his job due to closures with the stay at home order. My salary will now need to pay for mortgage and food. Every dollar of assistance will help me attain my dream of a seminary education.”
If you able, we hope you will consider making a contribution to the Emergency Student Support fund. All of us face unexpected consequences of COVID-19, and we truly appreciate any support that you can provide.
Thank you for coming together to help NBTS students to continue to think critically, act justly, and lead faithfully.
In Joy and In Justice!
President Micah L. McCreary