What is the relation of the church to the society in which it finds itself? Is it simply to proclaim the gospel? Is the church constituent to maintenance of societal order and hence an arm of the state? Does it have a prophetic role to play, and if so, how is that role executed? These questions have engaged the people of God from the very outset. Moreover, the questions are no less pressing as on the one hand, societies become more secular, and on the other as other religions claim space in the public sphere.
It is the case that particularly in the Western world religion is conceived as especially or even exclusively restricted to the private sphere of life where one may choose to relate to a church or to other religious communities. At the same time, governments often ask for the support of churches because of the binding potential of religion and its contribution to civil society. This course addresses the meaning of the church for civil society in various international contexts, in relation to ecclesiological conceptions and new forms of being church. This course will explore the particular relation between church and society as has been understood from a variety of theological perspectives.
These topics will be explored by Dutch, American and Hungarian scholars The school will meet in the Netherlands, where theologians have explored these issues, particularly in the last two centuries.
The 2018 International Summer School of Theology, working in collaboration with the International Reformed Theological Institute, and in cooperation with the Protestant Theological University and the VU University, will explore these questions with a number of Dutch lecturers. Set in the international city of Amsterdam, the school provides a unique opportunity for students to engage in conversation with leading Dutch thinkers as well as with students from other countries.
The school will be held in the facilities of the PThU located in the VU University and students will stay in residence nearby. The schedule will include plenty time to explore Amsterdam with its varied cultural and historical opportunities. The Dutch transportation system opens all the Netherlands for exploration.
All lectures are in English.
New Brunswick students may obtain 3 credits for participation in the school upon consultation with the director and the completion of course requirements.
The school will be held June 29 – July 9, 2018.
The cost of the school is $1300 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $200 is due April 15, 2018. (Students at NBTS are eligible for scholarships of up to $750 per student). The cost includes lodging and program costs. It does not include lunches and dinners (although inexpensive meals are available at the VU).
Students will arrange their own air transportation to Amsterdam.
For further information contact the Rev. Dr. Allan Janssen,
Program open to NBTS students, alumni, and others upon approval of the director.