Reformed Church Center
The Reformed Church Center at New Brunswick Theological Seminary is a place where…
…future Reformed Church ministers are formed. RCA students are encouraged to have a strong sense of belonging in the RCA. They are helped to learn how to connect to others, to know the denomination, and to thrive in their ministries through workshops and events within the seminary community that help them connect with the life of the denomination.
…the Reformed Church is able to speak to the Seminary. This oldest seminary in North America is a rich and diverse learning community, with roots in the RCA. The Center is at the intersection of that past and its present, and provides opportunities for the Seminary community to re-learn ways in which the best of the RCA speaks to the whole Church.
…there is space to think about what it means to be Reformed. The voice of the RCA is most vital when it is continually being reformed. That requires reflection and discussion and a space to share ideas freely, while informed by a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and worldviews. The richness of faith and culture in the modern NBTS helps the Center encourage and sponsor reflection on the living traditions of the RCA, as well as the issues that now face it, drawing on the resources of this community where both free inquiry and disciplined analysis are deeply valued.
The Center offers a broad range of programs for a wide audience, including scholars, RCA members, and everyone concerned about the Reformed tradition and its continued renewal.
All of the events announced here are open to the public. You are cordially invited; just click on the links attached to any event announcement in order to register. For more information, contact James Hart Brumm, director of the Reformed Church Center, at
Fellows of the Reformed Church Center
Scholars who have made recognized contributions to the study of the RCA and its traditions, but who don’t have institutional academic affiliation, may be appointed by the faculty of New Brunswick Theological Seminary as “Fellows of the Reformed Church Center.” This fellowship would not have a stipend, but could be helpful to scholars for access to research collections and for self-identification in scholarly communication.
The faculty’s Reformed Church Center Board will recommend scholars for appointment as Fellows. The Center will be sensitive to the gender and ethnic diversity of the Reformed Church in America in making its nominations. Appointments are for a three-year renewable term.
Fellows are expected to be in regular contact with the Center and to make annual reports to the director about the nature and status of their research, which will be then included in the Center’s own reporting of its programs. Fellows are also encouraged to visit the seminary during their terms of appointment.
RCA Resources
Follow these links to find important Reformed Church resources.
Our Doctrinal Standards—Creeds and Confessions
Our Liturgy
The Book of Church Order
Minutes of the RCA General Synod
Archives of the Reformed Church in America
A Brief Outline of RCA History
The Historical Series of the Reformed Church in America
Facebook page of the Reformed Church in America Archives
Research and Scholarship
The Reformed Church Center Looks for New Explorers for 2025-2026 Fellowships in RCA History, RCA Women’s Studies, or Reformed Worship
Reformed Church Center Events
To view videos of past events, please click here. Upcoming Events Past Events
Self-Led Studies for Ministers New to the RCA
The Reformed Church Center is pleased to be able to support the work of RCA classes by offering them free